Where it all began…
In 1991, while working for Toronto Community Housing Corporation as a Recreation Programs Coordinator, I began the process of creating programming to address the key needs of female youth in the community by interviewing parents, youth, community workers, and teachers.
The original “Girlz Program” started operation with a small dream in 1992 through the City of Toronto, in a room with 8 excited girls. Now, ‘Simply Anew Me’ has various programs in many cities throughout the GTA.
Our programs have now expanded to all ages of girls and women, by whom are empowered through the use of programs, workshops, retreats, as well as group and 1 on 1 counseling.
Girls Programs
Hundreds of girls across Canada have participated in Simply Anew Me Empowerment programs. These programs offer have help young girls gain confidence, direction and put them on the path to success while building strong girl communities.
Simply Anew Me’s Treasured Gemz, offers interactive programs and workshops to help girls ages 8-10 to understand the importance of loving who they are and how to build empowering girl communities.
A GIRLS DESTINY: ages 15-18
A Girls Destiny workshops focus on helping our future leaders discover the true power of themselves. Through various interactive activities, the girls begin to develop tools and strategies needed for self-love and self-care.
WE R GEMZ: ages 11-14
Simply Anew Me’s We R Gemz Empowerment Programs and workshops help to inspire and navigate girls to see their inner beauty and the true strength that they possess.
Our Girls ONLY Summer Empowerment Camps offer a safe and fun place for girls to come and learn leadership skills, gain new friends and build a strong girl community.