It’s Time to Reclaim Your Life
Are you ready to step into the new you and go after all those big dreams and aspirations you desire?
Are you ready to break the vicious cycles that have been holding back?
Reclaim Your Life
Coaching Program
This is a 6-week guided coaching program to help unlock the power you possess, how to set boundaries, and set a course for you to move forward in life.
It will include weekly Q&A coaching sessions, led by Sharon Ann Marie to provide clarity of self and discovery
of Simply Anew YOU.
Week 1
Self Discovery … getting clear on who you are and what your desires are.
Week 3
YOUR Inner Powers … Taking back your power to be who you want to be is imperative. Reclaiming your power will be the focus of Week 3.
Week 2
Reorganizing the Mind … We need it. We want it. We deserve it. In order to live in your greatness, you have to have a solid mindset. Retraining and unlearning will be the focus of Week 2.
Week 4
Stepping into You … Time to put into action all the steps that you have learned in Reclaiming YOUR life. I’ll show you how to plan it, how to manage it, how to maintain it, and how to grow it.

Are You Ready to Reclaim YOUR Life?
For maximum convenience, you can watch video lessons at home or at work, on your computer or tablet, or even over your mobile phone.
But that’s not all !!!! Because you’ll also receive:
A 35-page, full-color, downloadable Take Action Journal…where you’ll record your insights, lessons, commitments, and completed action steps throughout your 28-day journey.
The Reclaim YOUR Life Assessment. This powerful tool will help you discover exactly where you’re starting as you begin creating the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’ll also give you clear guidance about which areas you can focus on…and how you might change in each area to better support you as you pursue becoming the best version of yourself. Each week, we’ll have a specific focus for our work together.
A Girls Destiny Coaching Program
Our unique Girls Coaching Program helps to empower and create strategies for our young women to manoeuvre through the hills and valleys of their girl life journey. The program is tailor-made to meet the individual needs of each girl and ensures that each one leaves inspired, stronger and full of self love.
Coaching can be 1 to 1 (online or in person) or in a group setting.