Flying Free
Have you stood in the middle of a large space outside, like a field , beach or your backyard and watched everything around you? I mean really watched everything. Like butterflies, birds or paid attention to the way the air flows through and around you.
I absolutely love being in nature, I love seeing what possibilities there would be if I could transform into different forms of life. Like being able to crawl into super small spaces or slither through trees. My biggest fantasy was always to fly like a bird. I have often dreamt of what it would be like to fly high in the sky with the sail, with the wind underneath my wings. No stress or care in the world but to soar like I did as a child who ran around with her arms out wide and who jumped off things to fly.
For so long, my mind was programmed to believe that that type of freedom only belonged to wild animals…CRAZY Right? At that particular time in life, I was feeling very caged, stuck and dying to be free. My world felt like it was closing in and I was becoming claustrophobic in my own home. I wanted that free feeling so badly, that I made the decision that I was going to be a bird. NO... I didn’t run outside and jump off a building but the next best thing
I headed to the nearest Indoor Skydiving space.
I walked in ready to take on the world. I put on my goggles, helmet and fake bird suit and went on my adventure. I sat and listened to instructors talk about where to place my hands, how to move my body and memorized and practiced all moves required to keep me flying in mid-air, like all the birds I watch.
Here we go, it’s flight time, time to soar and fly.
When I first got in the wind tunnel, I just knew I was going to be amazing. I was just going to soar and be the best human bird one has EVER seen.
WELL…it didn’t go the way I thought. When they turned on the wind in the tunnel, I was being flung around like a piece of paper. I was being flung from side to side and for the life of me, I couldn't get my bearings or so flat on the ground, I looked like a paper weight. What a mess, Sigh... This is not the flight of a bird. What are you doing Sharon?
Something in that moment clicked and changed for me . I found myself reprogramming my mind and letting go of all that just happened. I stopped trying to control my limbs, my thoughts and just let go.
I came out of the tunnel and I waited for my turn to go again. This time, I was mentally readjusted and ready for what was ahead of me. He hit the air button and it happened.. I was flying. Wind beneath my body. High and strong. The greatest feeling…EVERRRR!
I saw it. I saw my whole life, I saw all my life dreams vividly and I saw the whole world. Well, as much as you can envision in a wind tunnel LOL.
Flying free….was just that. Freeing. No longer feeling like I was stuck. I allowed myself to write the ending to my own story. It allowed me to Discover the Power of myself. NOTHING like this feeling.
What are you going to do to fly free in 2021? It's your Time to Reclaim Your Life.